Design Goals

C.A. Mayer Consulting was a consulting firm that specialized in grant writing and strategy for nonprofits and social enterprises. The firm aimed to connect with a growing network of clients.

I developed marketing to cultivate the growth of C.A. Mayer Consulting, starting with a new logo and brand identity.

I strategized with firm leadership to shift the focus of the website toward marketing more directly to potential clients. With this goal, I reorganized the navigation menu and the landing page.

I also built new interactive content on the website that highlighted the firm’s relationship with clients, supporting the word-of-mouth marketing that was essential to the firm’s growth.

Brand Identity

I developed a new logo and brand identity for C.A. Mayer Consulting, based on my discussions with firm leadership about the goals and values of the firm.

I decided to use the symbolism of a pen for grant writing, and a person to reflect the social focus of the firm’s work. I composed the logo with color and shape that reflected a mood of aspiration and change.

New logo for C.A. Mayer Consulting

Homepage Marketing

I emphasized user engagement in my design. I rethought the website’s navigation menu and front page, to engage with potential clients by focusing on the services offered to them by the firm.

On the landing page, I created interactive Services sections, which invited users to learn more about different services offered by the firm. I built the ‘Our Services’ page, to provide further information.

Services advertised on landing page

Connecting to Clients

I created new interactive features for the C.A. Mayer Consulting website, to focus on building relationships with customers.

I created a slideshow, displaying testimonials from clients of C.A. Mayer Consulting.

Slideshow connects with a network of clients